Monday, April 14, 2014


33 days until I graduate from Messiah College. 46 days until I leave for Zambia.

I have been beyond blessed by the support I have received over the past two months for this trip. I see God's faithfulness every day as I meet people who encourage me and support me in this new journey. A huge thank you to all who have supported me and have been praying!! If you would like to support me prayerfully or financially, see my previous post for some more information!

As I sit outside on this beautiful night on a random wall outside the science center, I am thinking about everything God has been teaching me recently. I am currently listening to this song called Brokenness Aside by All Sons & Daughters (if you haven't heard it, listen to it... so good!!!). The chorus of the song says:

"I am a sinner, if it's not one thing it's another, caught up in words, tangled in lies.
But you are a savior and you take brokenness aside and make it beautiful."

God has been teaching me so much about his grace in the past few weeks. No matter what we do, whatever mistakes we may make, God has this incredible grace for us. And it's so incredibly hard for us to try and understand. And for us to try and mimic it with those around us. As the semester winds down, I seem to have less and less grace for everyone surrounding me. And then I sit here and think about the grace that God gives us every day. I am a sinner - I get caught up in the world as I go about my day - and yet God takes my brokenness, throws it aside, gives me grace, AND he makes it beautiful. Wow.

And while I'm on a song kick - If I Ever Needed Grace by Jimmy Needham - another great one!! :)