Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Things I learned in Zambia...

I kept a few word documents during my time in Macha - people I met, places I went, things I did, and things I learned. Here are a few of the things I learned in Zambia and that I continue to learn as I am back in the States...

  • That the people in Macha are some of the nicest, most friendly people you will ever meet.
  • They love soccer. The World Cup was a BIG deal.

  • That the women are so strong - they do a ton of work, carry water/other things on their heads (without hands... I haven't quite got it down yet), take care of children, and cook. And let me tell you... cooking is hard work. It is really hard to stir that nshima.

  • Some of the people there get really excited when you speak Tonga to them! 
  • It's totally acceptable to ask for things. It's also totally acceptable to say no in their culture.
  • Some people go to traditional healers to be treated.
  • That people will give you a "push" when you are leaving there home. Sometimes that means walking you most of the way back to your home.
  • Work, life, and home collide in their culture.
  • That it's okay to be late - totally expected. If something is supposed to start at 3 - maybe don't show up till around 4. And it's great.
  • You can make a ton of foods that don't come from a box! I know it's a crazy idea... but it's true. Thanks for the cooking lessons/recipes Cor :)
  • God is the only one you can depend on. 
  • Zambian weddings are full of energy and dancing!

  • There are mini dust storms/tornadoes all the time - it's best to shut your eyes during these.

  • It's normal to see young kids taking care of/carrying around younger siblings. And their parents may not know where there are... definitely different than the States.
  • Cows are fun to chase out of the fence. Not necessarily after they have already eaten the whole garden though...
  • And going off of that... if you ever live in Zambia, keep your gate shut if you have a garden. The cows really seem to enjoy the fresh veggies :)

  • Children here are sometimes named based off of something that happened/circumstances of their birth.
  • Sometimes they run out of resources at the hospital and there is nothing you can do about it. 
  • They also have to overlook maintenance things on some occasions because they would rather use the money for medicines.
  • School sports/teams have completely different structures - but the athletes still need to hear the same things, be motivated, be coached, and be loved.
  • Life here in Zambia, in "Africa" isn't really like all the stereotypes we hold here in the States. Yes, they live differently than us. They are "poor" in our eyes. But it is their life that they have always lived and known. Their lives aren't that much different than ours.
  • Death is handled differently in Zambia than in the States.
  • There is no ICU in the Macha Hospital.
  • There are MRI machines in every hospital here in the States, but there are only two or three in Zambia.
  • That it is hard work to dig out a fire pit through that clay.

  • You can learn to sleep through anything - the World Cup games with people yelling, early morning visitors, and of course, little sisters :)
  • That it is really really hard to put this experience into words.
  • That short-term trips are so so important for long term partners - these groups that come over bring an energy that long-term missionaries can't bring to the table every day.

  • Living in a culture for a few months, or longer, is so different from just visiting one.
  • That our culture here in the States is so much more fast-paced and entertainment driven - while the culture in Zambia is quiet and slow in the best possible way. There are less distractions.
  • Transition is hard. Going there and coming back.
  • When you take ownership of something, it makes you really want to share it with others.
  • Sweet bananas are the best.
  • Malaria has been reduced dramatically because of the work of the Macha Hospital and the malaria research.
  • You can really get used to life in a new place after a few months.
  • I am legitimately scared of baboons. And I will probably never go back to Victoria Falls.

  • God places people in your life that are there in His perfect timing.
  • Mosquito bites - especially 35 on your legs - really really itch.
  • Computers will shock you when they are charging - unless you are wearing shoes! Eric conveniently shared that last bit of information with me the week before I left Zambia...
  • It's hard to say goodbye to people when you don't know when or if you will see them again.
  • The difference between life in Macha and Livingstone (more city-like) is huge.
  • You can get attached to little sisters really easily.

  • You greet everybody. Always.
  • It's easy to take things for granted here in the US - car/bus rides to school, air conditioning, heat...
  • Zambia went through apartheid too.
  • High Tea at the Royal Livingstone is amazing.
  • Reverse culture shock is a real thing.
  • It's really hard to say goodbye to people that have become your family for three months. And it is really hard to say goodbye to a place that has become your home for three months.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


I landed in Philly yesterday after a long couple flights and layovers... I got home to my parents and younger brother waiting for me at the airport and to dinner at my older brothers house with him and his girlfriend. It was a great homecoming, but definitely feels weird and different to be back. I'm missing Zambia, but happy to be seeing some people that I haven't seen in a while! Thank you so much for all your prayers and support this summer!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

my last (and maybe hardest) goodbye

I spent yesterday evening/night with a few of the people I love most here in Zambia - Eric, Corie, Eric's parents, Char and Reece. Eric and Corie treated us to High Tea at the Royal Livingstone - a beautiful hotel that costs more to stay at in one night than any of us would ever pay. We were served tea and ate from a buffet of sweet and salty little treats... it was such a fun and beautiful experience - but mostly because I got to spend it with these guys.

We played with Char and Reece in the grass and in the water fountain... ate some good food... we walked the beautiful grounds... hung out with some zebra... and spent my last night here in Zambia together.

I woke up early this morning, helping Eric pack up the tent and load the car before they were ready to head on their way. I got hugs and kisses from the littlest ones and then exchanged some tearful goodbyes with Eric and Corie. And by tearful... I was crying. And Eric may or may not have gotten a little emotional too... Gotta love that "pathetic" group (thank you Kristy Stenson) ;) But on a serious note... it was hard to say goodbye to them, even though I'll see them in a few months in PA! I've spent everyday with these guys for the past 10 weeks and they were my family.

E and Corie - I'm so thankful for each of you, so thankful for your willingness to take me into your home, so thankful for your friendship, and so thankful for my two little sisters. Thanks for sharing them with me this summer. You guys are awesome and have amazing hearts for people and for God... I'm beyond blessed to have been here with you guys this summer. I can't wait to see all of you at the farmer's fair :) love you guys

In a little more than 24 hours I will head to the airport here in Livingstone to begin my journey home. I'll be in the States Monday afternoon... as for now, I'm going to enjoy my last day in Zambia hanging out in the sun and packing up. Thank you to each and everyone of you who has followed my blog and prayerfully/financially supported me this summer... each of you have made this incredible experience possible. Also - thank you to each one of you that have been encouraging me and praying with me since my freshman year of college for an opportunity to come to Africa... I wouldn't be here without each and everyone of you. Until next time...

see you States side!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

thoughts from the heart... pictures... and a video :)

Today I left Macha. For the last time.

I got up early and finished packing, put my stuff in Eric’s parent’s car, said bye to Eric, Corie and the girls until tomorrow, took one last look at the house, and got in the car.

And then I proceeded to choke back tears the whole way out Macha… out of the gate I have walked through so many times, past the dorms, the houses, past the kids walking to school. I held them back as we went out of the hospital and MRT compound, as we headed out the long dirt road, past the villages, and even as we turned on to the paved road.

I choked back tears yesterday as I said goodbyes, as Eric prayed before “The Last Supper” that Corie prepared (which once again was amazing), as Char hugged me around my neck and gave me a kiss goodnight, as my friends here in Macha all came over to the house to play cards and eat cake one last time before all joining together in prayer with me before I left.

And now, as I sit at Jollyboys in Livingstone… I can’t choke them back.

It’s hard to leave. Really hard. I’m not even out of Zambia yet and I miss it. For me, Macha isn’t just a place that I went to visit for the summer to do an internship. Macha has been my home for the past 3 months. I have friends there. I have a family there – one that includes two little sisters. And I hate to leave them. Macha is a place that God has used to change me.

I’m spending a few days in Livingstone before I fly back to the U.S. on Sunday… I decided that I was going to use these days to reflect, to process, and to prepare mentally and emotionally to go back home. I ended up going on a sunset cruise tonight with a few girls that are here from Macha as well. And it was absolutely beautiful. Great job God :) But I spent the ride back in the boat thinking…

There were times this summer that I thought I couldn’t do this anymore. There are times that I missed home and people too much. There are things and parts of me that feel like they have just fallen apart this summer. I don’t know what I’m doing when I get home. I don’t have a job or a plan. I don’t know if I want to be at home or overseas.

But – as I am learning – I can pity myself, I can feel unworthy or like I don’t have a purpose… or I can choose to trust God and the fact that He has a plan for me. I can let myself be sad or anxious, I can worry… or I can choose the peace of God which surpasses all understanding – knowing that God’s peace doesn’t mean that nothing hard is going to happen anymore, but having a quiet confidence within myself to know that it will be okay in the end, even if it doesn’t seem it in the moment. And I say as I am learning – because this is such a hard thing to translate from my mind to my heart.

He has rocked my world in so many ways this summer – placing people in my life to talk with, placing people in my life to love, using people who were already in my life back home to encourage me and stand by me even though they were halfway across the world, and using this time here in Zambia as a way to break me down, but also to start to put me back together as the person He wants me to be.

I’ve learned this summer – again in my mind, it’s hard to translate to my heart – that God is who I need to be totally reliant on. Not on people. Not on things. Not on anything but Him. The people here have shown me that. Missing home has shown me that. He is the only thing I can depend on.

I’ve learned that my purpose in this life is to seek and find His purpose for me. To follow Him in everything I do. I don’t know if I will go home and find the perfect job, or if I will go home and start waitressing while I wait. I don’t know if I will stay in the United States or if I will end up overseas. I don’t know what God has for me. But after this summer, I do know that God has a purpose for my life and if I seek His will in my life, it’s all going to be okay.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord…   Jeremiah 29:11-14

I don’t want to leave Macha. But He had a plan for me this summer… and He will have a plan for me when I am home.

I’ve left part of my heart in Macha. And I know I will be back.

Today I left Macha. For the last time… for now. Macha, my friends, my family, every child I interacted with – these things will remain in my heart forever. 

Some pics from the sunset cruise tonight:

Also... the video I made summarizing my internship here in Zambia if you're interested: A PTR Zambia Internship

Sunday, August 3, 2014

One week.

We are back in Macha after a weekend in Livingstone with the PTR team! It was a great weekend spending a little bit more time with the team before dropping them off at the airport yesterday!

PTR team at dinner Friday night
We left earlier on Thursday morning and headed to Victoria Falls after unloading all our things where we were staying. I was a little nervous heading back to the falls… but I’m happy to say there were no baboon incidents this time! I will say this though… I’m actually afraid of baboons. But the falls were absolutely incredible… this time I walked with the team across the bridge in front of the falls – getting completely soaked – but what an awesome view!! We also walked down to the boiling pot again – the area at the bottom of the falls, right under the bridge where people bungee jump!

On Friday, we headed out pretty early for a drive through the small game park right in Livingstone. It didn’t really compare to Chobe in Botswana (the overnight safari I did with the last group), but it was so much fun! We drove around in 2 vehicles and we saw about all you can see in the park – hippos, water buck, impala, zebra (which I was super pumped about because we didn’t see them in Chobe!), giraffe, warthogs, and so much more! But I think the highlight of the morning was finding elephants! We followed an elephant down the road for a long time – it only turned around and flapped its ears at us a few times – but we got so close! Corie, one of the team members, and I were riding with Eric, while the rest of the team was with one of the drivers from Macha… let’s just say the other driver was a little nervous and didn’t get too close. Our car was right up with the elephant – which was kind of scary at a few points, but was so cool! We got to watch the elephant get down into the Zambezi River and swim the whole way across… again, so cool.

We spent the rest of Friday shopping and relaxing before dinner and a game night! We dropped the team off at the airport – said some tearful goodbyes – and headed back to Macha. I was selfishly excited that the team was flying out Saturday instead of Sunday, as today was my last opportunity to go to church here in Macha! Side note: it was a great church service to end on today – so many choirs today!! It’s crazy to think about, but I leave Macha on Thursday – in 4 short days! There are a lot of things to wrap of from the trip and my internship, lots of people to say goodbye to, lots of Macha to soak in, and lots of preparation to do in my own heart and mind before heading back to the States.

I’m nervous to come home – to a different culture than what I have lived for the past few months, to people that might not understand the impact this summer has had on me, to job searching and figuring out the rest of my life, to the “busy-ness” of life in the States. But I’m also excited to see my family, spend some time at the beach with my momma, see my friends, get into my maid of honor duties (I can’t wait Rosie!!!!!!!), and share this experience with people. It’s such a bittersweet thing. I’m trusting that God will help to prepare my heart and mind as I leave Macha, say my goodbyes, and fly home a week from today.

Also – Today is the big Martz family reunion at the farm – this is the first time I’ve ever missed it, so to everyone at my house today – I wish I was there to see all of you!!!! Have so much fun :) Love you all lots!!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Only a week and a half left...

Well, we won our game last Friday – 3-0 thanks to David, a member of the PTR team, who scored all three goals! It was so much fun!! We had a pretty relaxing weekend here with the team – Saturday we went out to Tuko Stadium, the big soccer field, and watched as the young boys played a game. We played with the trail of kids that followed us on the sidelines while the boys played. After lunch at Eric’s parent’s house, the girls and I all went to get ready for our first Zambian wedding! Bertha, a close friend of Corie and Eric’s, invited us to one of her nephew’s wedding! We went out to the village, were greeted by a dancing, beaming Bertha, and we had a great time! The wedding looked a lot different than weddings back home… there were people everywhere! The bridal party danced in and out a few times, the groom and bride were pretty much seated behind the table the whole time. They cut their cake and shared their first kiss, and then gifts were brought to the table. We left shortly after that and stopped at the airstrip to watch the sunset on the way home!

both teams after Friday's game
Noel, Tabby, and I at the airstrip
On Sunday, we went to church, hung out in the afternoon and then went to Eric’s game that afternoon! It was a pretty relaxing day and I also had the chance to skype my parents and brother for the first time in a while – which made the day about ten times better! I got a virtual tour of my brother’s new house and am pumped to potentially move in with him when I get home – ten dollars a month rent right Jeff? :)

This week with the team is a little less intense and busy than last week… Monday morning we went on a hospital tour with Eric’s dad, walked to the Macha dam and skipped rocks, and came home to lunch and team time in the afternoon. That night we played a game against a local team out at the MICS field. We ended up losing 3-1, but it was a fun game to play! I have been playing so much soccer and would like to think that I am getting better – but it is also nice to have David, a PTR team member, in the position beside me as he tells me that I’m doing a great job, even when it’s really not that good. We ended the night with a lot of Dutch Blitz – I am happy to say that I am much better than the beginning of the summer (especially when playing in partners!) and David and I won. Again. :)

We started off Tuesday morning with work around the PTRZ campus. The girls walked around and picked up trash while the guys worked at getting some vines out of the trees. We then spent the next few hours digging and building a fire pit! The girls started the process of breaking up and clearing out a circle of hard packed clay. We all got crazy blisters on our hands, but were really determined to finish the job without the help of the boys. I wish we could say that we did, but it got to the point where we could barely hold the tools anymore because of all the blisters, so we gave in and let them help out. Although we like to say we loosened it all up for them. We filled the hole with bricks and sand and lined it with rocks! It was a fun project that turned out really well! Oh and Dad, I can tell I haven’t done any hay this summer – my hands are not tough at all… so many blisters! Can’t wait to help when I get home… not. :)

After the projects of the morning, we ate lunch, heard testimonies, and I led team time – talking about worry and how we can have a secure mind in Christ. After team time, some of the team spent some time outside with the boys playing soccer and volleyball while Marissa and I went back out to my Macha girls and spent some time with them! I felt like it had been forever since I had seen them and it was good to go spend some time with them! We finished the night with another climb up the water tower for the sunset… let’s just say I’m glad that was the last time of the summer. It’s an absolutely incredible view, but the process of climbing up a tiny ladder 80 feet in the middle of the water tower is just not my favorite thing in the world.

the girls on the water tower
This morning, we went out to Macha girls school again to learn more about the school and see the difference between a private school education (like MICS) and a government school education. After that, we walked through Elem’s village to see where he lives, and finished the morning with team time outside. We had the afternoon to ourselves – I used it to get some work and reading done – and then we headed out to MICS again to play our last soccer game. We played MRT – the team from the malaria research – and ended up losing 2-1, but it was a fun game! We are about to end the night with a fire in the new fire pit – some s’mores might be involved too – before heading out to Livingstone tomorrow morning!

It has been absolutely incredible having the team here… each and every one of them is great and they have all been such a blessing to me. I’ve had some awesome conversations, especially as I prepare to go home in a week and a half. I’ve had conversations that have allowed me some time to process my time here in Macha and my transition back home. I’ve visited other places before – the Dominican Republic, Uganda – but spending two weeks in a place is completely and totally different than living in a place for 3 months. I have had the opportunity to live the culture, make friends here in Zambia, and pour my heart into this place. And part of my heart will stay here when I go. I can’t wait to share this experience with those of you back home – but putting it into words will be hard. I’m going to miss Macha, the people, and especially the Thuma’s! I’ve been so blessed by them this summer – they have accepted me into their home and I have grown to love them like family! I’m so thankful for Eric and Corie’s friendship and I have gained two very little sisters this summer (although Char told us that she has 3 parents the other day…). I love spending time with all four of them – especially watching Frozen with Char (we might be on viewing number 7 or 8 as I write this…). I can’t wait to come home and see my family, but it will be hard to leave this place. What an incredible opportunity and experience this has been.

I leave tomorrow with the team to go to Livingstone for a few days before they fly out on Saturday. We will return to Macha Saturday and I will spend about 4 more days there before I head back to Livingstone on the 7th. I will spend a few days in Livingstone with a couple girls that I have gotten to know before flying out on the 10th! I can’t wait to see what God has for me in the next week and a half as I prepare to leave this life I’ve lived for the past few months.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Soccer, soccer, basketball, and some more soccer :)

It has been an absolutely crazy and fun week!! I don't know that I've ever played more soccer in my life - but I'm loving it! Eric, Elem and I picked up the Push The Rock team from Livingstone on Sunday – a group of 7 – and they are all the best! It has been awesome getting to know them this week and spend so much time with them!

We started out on Monday with “orientation” and a walk out to MICS, where we ran a clinic this week. We spent Monday afternoon at PTRZ with the local boys – running soccer stations and playing 5v5 games till dark! We finished the day with a time of devotions – singing, saying our verses we memorized, our Bible study time (what we call Team Time) and Eric shared his testimony.

Tuesday started our soccer clinic out at MICS – after an early breakfast we walked out to MICS and the PTR team was welcomed in chapel. For the clinics, we split the school up into three groups: Baby, Reception, and Grade 1; Grades 2-3; and Grades 4-7. With the first group, or the babies as we call them, we usually take them on a fun run and take them through some fun, or intense (Elem), stretches. After warm-ups we have them rotate through 3 different stations of games – some soccer related and some not. For the second two groups, we do a similar warm-up and then they split up into their teams to go through 4 different stations of passing, dribbling, fun games, and shooting. I am “coaching” with Brent, one of the guys from the group, this week at the passing station… and both of our teams, in both groups, decided on the name Germany for our team – they must have just won the World Cup or something…  Anyway, after the stations, the teams play small-sided games against one another! I’m thankful that Brent is a coach back in the States, so I just hop in the drills during stations and am the encourager during games – because I am definitely not a soccer coach.

After a quieter afternoon, we headed out on the 45-minute walk to our friendly match against the Macha Bulls. Our team was joined by Elem, Dean (a dorm parent out at MICS), a few of the guys that work on the rec center, as well as a few more of Eric’s friends/teammates. And yes, I played my first competitive soccer game in over 6 years. We ended up playing a normal 45-minute first half, but then had an extended (65 minute) second half – but either way, we ended up winning the game 4-3!

team huddle before the game at Macha Bulls
I woke up Wednesday the most sore I have been in a long time. Basketball and soccer must use completely different muscles. I’m still sore as I’m writing this a few days later… But anyway, Wednesday and Thursday mornings looked really similar to Tuesday out at MICS with the kids! They seem to be having a blast with the soccer and with the visitors from the States. Wednesday afternoon I went to visit with Vera, the sweetest lady in the world. She is making me a pair of trousers from a chitenge, so I took her the fabric and visited with her for a while! Her husband, Abraham, went to Messiah and she actually lived in Millersburg (really close to Duncannon) for a long time. Such a small world!

Wednesday night was one of my absolute favorite parts of the week. I took the PTR team, as well as Eric and Corie, up to the Macha Girls Secondary School to play some basketball and hang out with the girls. Corie and 4 of the girls on the PTR team played a game against the girls I have coached for the past couple months. I shared a little about how God has used basketball in my life – and then we ended our time with the girls by dancing and singing – typical. :) But it was really fun to take the team there to meet the girls I have been spending a lot of time with this summer. It really brought me a lot of joy to watch the girls play, see them interact, and hear them tell me how much fun they were having. I think I realized last night that taking ownership of something, investing in something, can really bring you a lot of joy when you see some of the fruits of it. It really made my heart smile to be out there with my girls that night. I also figured out that one of my girls – Cleopatra – has the same birthday as me :)

the start of the game

Cleo and I - birthday buddies :)
Thursday afternoon we trained with the boys at PTRZ again before going out to MICS for dinner and devos with the boarding kids. We ate an nshima meal – the team’s first taste of the staple food of Zambia – with cake as dessert (thank you Corie!). We got to sing with the kids, hear introductions of all of their names and favorite foods and games, and listen to one of the PTR team members share her testimony. It was a really fun opportunity to spend some more time with the kids – especially as I realized that today would be the last day I would see most of these kids as it is their last day of school. I’m going to miss them so much.

Today we spent our last morning out at MICS playing games with the younger kids and then playing a full field game against the oldest group, with the whole school watching! It was really fun time with the kids before having to say good-bye to them. It has been such a blessing to work with the kids throughout my time here in Macha – and having the PTR team here to do a soccer clinic each morning was a perfect way to end my time with the MICS students. Tonight we will play another friendly game against the Macha Sparrows… stay tuned for the results!!

Muleya, Mutinta and Naomi - 3 of my favorites from MICS
the twinnies :)
One of my favorite parts of the week has been Team Time each day – We are going through Philippians, looking at what Paul was writing to the church of Philippi from prison. We have talked a lot about having a single mind – how Paul saw his circumstances through Jesus instead of viewing Jesus through his circumstances. He longed for people to know Christ – and we were challenged to think about our own lives and our motivations for sharing. We also hear a testimony from a team member each night at team time. It has been awesome to get to know the group on a deeper level and have conversation with them through that. On Thursday night we ended our Team Time by going outside for some prayer time under the stars. It was absolutely incredible. You can see so many stars here because there isn’t all the electricity and lighting like we have in the U.S. We saw about 4 shooting stars – what an incredible end to a night!

This week has flown by and before I know it we will be taking the team back to Livingstone on Thursday and coming back to Macha on Sunday. That will mark one week of time left for me in Zambia, but only 4 more days in Macha. It is crazy to me that I will be flying out in 16 days. So bittersweet.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Week 7

First of all… I only have 22 more days in Zambia. I have been here in Macha for 7 weeks, and I only have 3 more to go. It is absolutely crazy to me how fast my time here has gone!! But I can tell you right now it has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life. It has been incredibly life changing.

Next… I can officially say the baboon incident at Victoria Falls is funny. My knees are healing up nicely and the fact that a baboon took my wallet is kind of a cool story.

It has been super quiet this week compared to the last two when the team was here, but the Push the Rock team flies in tomorrow and they are here for two weeks, so it will get crazy again soon! We have spent a lot of time this week doing follow up from the New Hanover trip and preparing for the Push the Rock team. We have been working on their schedule, their finances, and I have continued preparing to lead some team times (devotions). I’m really excited for this trip, as Eric, Corie, Elem and I will have more of a leadership role in not only what happens on the trip, but in the spiritual aspect of the trip. We will be doing soccer clinics out at MICS, playing friendly matches, training with the local boys, spending some time up with my Macha girls team, and much more. I’m really excited to get to know a new group, play a lot of soccer, and have the opportunity to get involved here in Macha for a few more weeks.

I got back to more of my normal schedule this week… going out to Macha girls Monday, Wednesday, Friday and to MICS on Tuesday and Thursday. Muntanga is heading back to school on Monday, so his last day with the girls was this past Monday! There have been less girls coming to play each night because their term is ending the first week of August so they have extra study sessions and exams coming next week. But, a few of the girls have shown up every day I am there, so it is fun to get to do some more one on one/skill work with them. Some of the girls are really dedicated and love the sport, which is so cool for me to see them that committed to something. There is one girl, Namakala, who I’ve gotten to know a lot more this past week as she has shown up every day and walked me to the gate of the school every day after practice. She has shared with me her passion for basketball, as well as some of her dreams – one of which is to come to the United States one day – even though people tell her it will never happen. It has been awesome to get to know some of these girls on a deeper level than just basketball. I’m excited to work with them for the next few weeks, but I’ll miss them a lot when I go home!

macha girls
As for MICS this week – Tuesday we played kickball, and I realized that Thursday would be my last day teaching, so we played basketball! MICS is done a week earlier than other schools, so their last day is Friday the 25th. The Push the Rock team will be out there all next week running a soccer clinic, which will serve as their P.E. class for the week!

with the grade 4 class at MICS
I also stayed out at MICS afterschool on Tuesday to hang out with the kids that are boarders and have dinner with them. They baked some cupcakes for the July and August birthdays, played volleyball and we ate dinner. After dinner, I joined them for their devotion time and then went to the girls’ dorm to hear their bedtime story and say goodnight to them! It was a lot of fun to see their routine after school was over and spend some extra time getting to know them.

We had another Tonga lesson with Elaine, Eric’s mom, on Wednesday – We’re pretty much fluent now… And we have gotten to have dinner/lunch with other families this week! Mom and Dad – you might not believe it, but I really like pork and sauerkraut! We had it for dinner at Eric’s parents on Wednesday and it’s the first time I’ve tried it in a really long time (or ever). So… sorry Dad, but there will be a little less for you next time we have it at home. :) Speaking of eating new things… I forgot to mention this in my last post… when we were out to eat with the New Hanover team in Livingstone last week, we tried crocodile and some cooked caterpillar/worm thing – that still looked like a caterpillar. It was actually pretty good.

Life here in Macha is good. I will spend two weeks in Macha with the team, before taking them back to Livingstone for a few days, and then will only have about 4 more days in Macha to wrap up from the trip and say goodbyes before heading back to Livingstone for a few days of relaxation with a few of the girls I have gotten to know here. I know how fast the next three weeks are going to go, and I’m already sad to know my time in Macha is slowly coming to an end. I like it here. A lot. I can’t wait to share this experience with everyone back home – although it’s sometimes really hard to put into words, even in my own head. But I’ll do the best I can. 

P.S... The rec center that is being built is coming along nicely... the walls around the hexagon part are up and they are beginning the pillars that will hold the roof up... Here's a pic:

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Home Sweet Macha Home

We’re back in Macha after a 4-day weekend in Livingstone with the New Hanover team and Madison! It was quite the weekend, filled with lots of adventures and memories! It was a nice little vacation, but I am happy to be back in Macha for the week, getting ready for the next team coming next Sunday!

Here’s a little about our time in Livingstone:

We got to Livingstone Thursday evening, unpacking at Jolly Boy’s (the place we stayed) before going out to dinner and getting to bed for our early morning the next day! We got up early on Friday morning and loaded in the bus that took us to Botswana for the safari – Eric stayed back at Jolly Boy’s with the little ones. We crossed the borders with no problems and ate breakfast at the lodge before getting in a boat for our morning boat safari. We saw hippos, elephants, crocodiles, water buck, lots of different birds, and impala (like our deer at home). I only got a little seasick on the boat, but it was absolutely beautiful and cool to be on the water!

Jen (group leader) and I on the boat, with our elephant friend in the background
After eating lunch at the lodge, we headed out on safari, girls in one truck, guys in the other. It had been chilly all morning, but got warm enough to take our sweatshirts off for the afternoon! We drove to the park, with our fearless leader Lance at the wheel, and drove through the bush until about 6:30, when we got to our campsite. We saw more elephants, hippos, water buck, and impala (there are millions of them), and got to add lions, kudu, giraffes, buffalo, baboons, honey badgers and even a leopard leaping up a tree off in the distance. It was absolutely incredible. The sunset was amazing – none of these pictures will do any of this adventure justice.
Jeff - this one is for you :)

Once we got to our campsite for the night, in the middle of the game park, we picked out our tents and huddled around the campfire to wait for dinner (which was SO good) to be ready. We hung out around the campfire with the group, before heading to bed. I shared a tent with Madison, for one last night as roommates! We woke up in the morning, after hearing noises, to hear from Lance that there were hyenas, an elephant, and some kind of cat (he thought leopard or cheetah) in our camp that night. Scary, but SO cool.

We left before sunrise the next morning to head out of the park – watching the sunrise and seeing some more lions before making it out of the park. Side note – it was pretty warm in the tents over night, but riding in an open safari vehicle at 6am was probably the coldest experience of my life. I had on jeans, sweatpants, and five layers on top, plus a blanket, and I was still cold. But the safari was an incredible experience. Sleeping out in the bush with the animals was amazing and it was awesome to spend two days enjoying God’s beautiful creation! I wish I could put up every picture I took – I can’t wait to show you more when I get back home!!!

We crossed the border back to Zambia successfully once again and headed back to Jolly Boys to change and get ready to head to Victoria Falls. This is where the story gets interesting…

Madison and I had gotten our tickets to get into the falls, and walked back out before Eric was done paying for tickets for the group. Long story short, Reece’s pacifier was on the ground by the van with a baboon sitting back by the fence eating paper from a sandwich from lunch that had also apparently fallen out of the car. Well, as I took a step towards the pacifier, the baboon charged, causing me to turn to run, only to hit a tree that was planted right in the middle of the parking lot and fall on my face. But wait, it gets better… I got up and looked at my knees, only to hear Madison say, “Wait Emily, is that your wallet?” I reached in my bag and found that my wallet was missing… as the baboon ran through the fence. By this time, the rest of our group and a guard were at the crime scene and the guard ran off to try to find my wallet. I was a little upset… and by a little, I mean a lot… but the group was awesome and the guards at the falls were amazing – they brought in special forces and looked for my wallet for the better part of two hours. One of the guards ran up to me as we were going to hike down to the bottom of the falls and brought me what they had found of the contents of my wallet – I got back my credit cards, my insurance cards, some of the bracelets that were hanging on my wallet, and some other random things and I was so thankful. I lost quite a bit of money and the baboon still has my license and the actual wallet, but I was so thankful to get some of the stuff back and not have to go through the hassle of canceling all my cards. So it was quite the experience – the cuts/brushburns/swollen knees might take a little bit to heal, and the chewed up credit cards might not actually swipe, but I’m not majorly hurt – and it’s not like I lost my passport with the wallet! I just couldn’t go a whole summer without getting hurt… that would be so unlike me :) But honestly, who else can say a baboon stole their wallet at one of the natural wonders of the world in Zambia?

But Victoria Falls was absolutely incredible. The group walked across a bridge that got them soaked – I stayed back with Corie, as walking with cut up knees wasn’t the best option – but I’ll get another chance to see them with the next group! We also walked down to the bottom of the falls – where you can see the bridge in the picture below. One of my friends here, Mike, who is from Messiah, actually went bungee jumping off of that bridge a few weekends ago. I can’t even imagine – don’t worry Mom, I will not be doing that!!

side view of the falls
the bungee jumping bridge
Anyhow… after that experience, the group went shopping in the market in Livingstone and we enjoyed a nice dinner at Café Zambezi. This morning, we dropped Madison and the group off at the Livingstone airport to catch their flights back to PA. It was hard to see them go – it was awesome to have Madison here for three weeks with me. It was so fun to have a roommate and get to know her a little more! Miss you already Madison!!!! And the group from New Hanover was awesome to have here as well. Both the students and the leaders were great and it was so fun to get to know them while they were here. I got to build relationships with them, and I can’t wait to go down for a night of youth group when I get back to the States!! Oh – I also found my long lost twin in the group… Rachel, one of the recent high school graduates in the group, and I figured out throughout the weekend that we both were incredibly accident prone in sports (we both even broke two ribs), that we both have/had vocal cord dysfunction (not asthma, look it up…), and that we both have the same favorite movie and TV show (Inception and Criminal Minds). She’s also going to Penn State next year, which if you know my family, fits right in. But honestly it was an incredible week with all these guys and I was really blessed by them, and I know Push the Rock’s ministry was as well.

We’re looking forward to a quieter week this week before the next group comes in next weekend! We have a lot to get ready, but I’m really excited to get to know the new group and grow with them in Christ while they are here! If you all could be praying for us as we prepare for the group, for the group as they prepare to come, for safety as the New Hanover group and Madison travel back to the U.S., and for healing for my knees (I miss running already), that would be awesome! Thanks for all your prayer and support from back home!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Week 6 :)

Just a quick update on my week here in Macha with the New Hanover team that is here! Over the weekend, we went out to Bertha’s village and spent the day there! We brought 3 chickens for lunch, the lucky 4th chicken escaped before we even got in the truck to go! We spent the day in Bertha’s village helping her cook, taking a walk to the river where they bathe, hanging out with her kids and attempting to stir the nshima for lunch! On Sunday we went to church – which was outside for the first time! There were people from surrounding churches there and many youth choirs. We spent the rest of the day resting and getting ready for the next week!

the girls before church
Monday and Tuesday were both holidays, so we went on a hospital tour with Eric’s dad, Phil. He took us through the men’s, women’s and children’s ward, as well as to the outpatient clinic, counseling/treatment wards, and through the malaria research lab. The Macha Mission Hospital was started by all missionaries, but since then has been turned over and is under all Zambian leadership. The hospital doesn’t look at all like hospitals in the U.S. It is now funded by the government, instead of the Brethren in Christ Church in North America, so there is less money, which means they use more money to make sure they have resources and medicines instead of for maintenance and things like that. Another example of how different the medical system here – in America, we have CT scans/MRI machines in every ER you find. Here in Zambia, they have 2 CT scan machines, one in Lusaka and one in northern Zambia, and sometimes they don’t even work all the time. The technology we use is not available here is Zambia and, as Phil told us, the doctors really have to know what they learned in medical school in order to diagnose diseases totally off of the symptoms of the patients. The malaria research lab was also really cool to see. They do all kinds of test there and they can determine the different DNAs of malaria, see what strands they carry, and so much more. They grow mosquitoes in the lab so they can do different studies and testing with the mosquitoes.

After the hospital, the team helped to put in the volleyball court at the PTRZ campus! It has gotten quite a bit of use since we have put it up! After playing with the kids for the afternoon, we finished up the night with a climb up the water tower to watch the sunset. There are a few pictures below, but we climbed up a really tiny ladder in the middle of the 80 ft. high water tower – Mom, we were fine!! – It was a little scary, and we were all a little shaky at the top, but it was an absolutely incredible view!

volleyball court!

with my "parents" on top of the water tower :)

water tower
On Tuesday, we started the day out at MICS, even though it was a holiday and there weren’t any kids around. We helped Phil hunt for water, using a method they call “water-witching” or just water-hunting, as MICS is looking to dig another well. He used two thin copper wires and held them loosely in his hands. When you walk over a ground that has water deep under it, the wires cross. Some of the people here believe that it is spirits, while Phil explains it with magnetic forces. We all got to try it – it worked for me and was really cool! After finding water, we helped the construction team here, filling in trenches and painting! That afternoon we made the 45 minute trek out to Macha Central to watch the cup final game of the local teams. We finished the day with dinner out at MICS with the team!

We spend today, Wednesday, out at MICS with the team for their last full day here in Macha! We spent the day helping the kids make piñatas that we will fill with candy tomorrow and let the kids hit! We also had a friendly match against the boys here at PTRZ this afternoon and we’ll finish the night tonight with the World Cup game. Speaking of the World Cup, what a crazy game that Brazil and Germany game was!!!! I stopped watching and got some sleep after it got to be 5 to 0…

the pinatas!
It has been so much fun to have the team (and Madison!) here in Macha! It has been crazy and busy, but it has awesome to have these students here that want to learn more about the culture and just serve and love the people here. I have had the opportunity to sit in on the team’s devotional times throughout the week, and am amazed at how these students are processing and learning from their short time here in Macha. Their time here has looked different than a typical “missions trip.” They aren’t building things or doing manual work, and sometimes it may feel like they aren’t even doing anything, but they are building relationships and they are living the Zambian culture. They are creating relationships out at MICS, but also with the children that come here afterschool to play soccer and volleyball in the PTRZ campus. This is so important for Corie and Eric here at Push the Rock, as it will keep these kids coming back here – allowing them to grow and play in a safe environment, but also in an environment with people they can look up to in Eric, Elem, and Corie.

One thing that has been questioned and talked about in the last week in the team’s devotional time is the topic of the differences between this culture and home, and how sometimes here we feel like God is more present in our lives. This is also something I have been thinking about a lot as I only have a month left here in Macha. I think part of it is that we, meaning myself and the team, are here with our focus being on God and sharing His love. But I also think it is easier for me personally to see God at work more here because I take the time to do so. At home, there are distractions; there is no down time. I run around from one thing to the next. We love entertainment, whether that is going to the mall, the movies, or anything else. Here, we sit. We talk. We walk or bike everywhere. There is no mall or movie theater. There is no form of entertainment. It’s quiet and slow, in the best way possible. And I have loved every second of it. I’m not saying our culture at home is bad, but I don’t choose to spend that time with God when I’m at home. I don’t spend time really working on relationships. And I have been trying to figure out how to translate how I have lived here to when I am back home. I don’t want to come home and just fall back into the same routine. Being here the past 6 weeks, with 4 more still to come, has changed my perspective on many things. It’s so hard to put into words without experiencing it yourself. So everyone should come to Zambia… just kidding, but if you could be praying for me over the next month for the transition period that will come when I get home that would be awesome :)

some of the kiddos at the PTRZ campus
So this didn’t turn out to be as short as I anticipated, but thanks so much for all the prayers and support from home… we leave Macha for Livingstone tomorrow with the team and Madison. We will spend Friday morning to Saturday morning on safari in Botswana, and then we will visit Victoria Falls Saturday before dropping the team and Madison off at the airport on Sunday! Prayers for ours and their safety in traveling would be great as well :)

Hope everyone is having a great week :)

Friday, July 4, 2014

Week 5


What a week! Looking back on the week, it feels like I haven’t done much, but it was so busy! We started off the week with a trip to Choma on Monday morning because I needed to get my visa extended in order to stay in Zambia. What we were hoping would be a simple process became complicated when we realized at the immigration office that they had stamped me in on a business visa. Long story short, we had to go to the regional immigration office to get it all sorted out. It took a lot of time, another stop back at the office Wednesday, and was really frustrating at points, but in the end it all worked out and I officially have a new little green book that is my temporary work permit and allows me to stay in the country for 90 days. I was also feeling pretty sick Tuesday and I know my mom shared all of these struggles with some of the people from my church – it was so encouraging the past week to receive emails from some of you… so thank you!!! I felt really blessed this week to have so much support from back home.

Tuesday was also spent in preparation for our team that is here from a church in New Hanover! On Wednesday, Corie, Eric, Elem and I went to Livingstone to do some grocery shopping for the team and pick them up from the airport! The group is 10 people – 2 leaders and 8 high school kids from the youth group! They are going to be involved out at MICS while they are here, teaching classes, leading activities, and doing some VBS things for the kids. We spent Thursday out at the school getting the team involved and they are currently teaching and loving on the kids as I write this. I have been spending a lot of time out at MICS teaching P.E. classes with one of the guys from the group, but I haven't been out to Macha Girls school this week because of the trips to Choma and Livingstone! I will be heading there in about an hour and I can't wait to see the girls!

 It has been awesome to have the team here and watch them serve, love and learn more about the culture and people here in Macha. I’ve had some really cool conversations with some of them and I love seeing high school students that have a heart to really just learn more about their neighbors here in Zambia, spend time with them, and learn more about Jesus with them. It so encouraging to me, especially as I remember my time in high school.
the New Hanover group leading songs at MICS

This weekend, while the group is here, we plan to visit a village and eat lunch – some of the guys want to kill our chicken dinner – and go to church on Sunday! Next week, Monday and Tuesday are both holiday’s from school (Heroes Day and Unity Day) – Dad, Farmer’s Day is coming up August 4th, so I’ll be sure to celebrate you from here :) - on those days we will organize some activities for the local kids back at the PTRZ campus. Wednesday and Thursday morning the team will be back in the school, and then Thursday afternoon we will leave for Livingstone. While there, we will go on safari with the team, as well as see Victoria Falls – and I am super pumped about both of these things! It will be an incredible opportunity to spend more time seeing God’s beautiful creation here in this country!

It will be a crazy week, but a really fulfilling and fun one as well :) I continue to learn about life here in Macha, but I am also really enjoying being able to share it with people from back home. It is awesome to see these kids come here and see God working in this place. I’m excited for them to experience “Africa” in a new, really personal way. As we talked about during their devotional time last night, I’m excited for them to break some of the stereotypes people in the U.S. tend to hold about Africa and the state it is in. It’s already exciting to see them thinking through different things – in their faith and in the way we live life.

sunset with the New Hanover group

Today is the 4th of July, which obviously doesn’t really mean anything to the people here, but it is fun to have a group from the U.S. here on this holiday! We are celebrating with pizza tonight, as well as World Cup games and game night! For those of you celebrating back home, enjoy your time off, be safe!!

Have a great holiday weekend! Can’t wait to share pictures from the safari and falls with you next week!