Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Only a week and a half left...

Well, we won our game last Friday – 3-0 thanks to David, a member of the PTR team, who scored all three goals! It was so much fun!! We had a pretty relaxing weekend here with the team – Saturday we went out to Tuko Stadium, the big soccer field, and watched as the young boys played a game. We played with the trail of kids that followed us on the sidelines while the boys played. After lunch at Eric’s parent’s house, the girls and I all went to get ready for our first Zambian wedding! Bertha, a close friend of Corie and Eric’s, invited us to one of her nephew’s wedding! We went out to the village, were greeted by a dancing, beaming Bertha, and we had a great time! The wedding looked a lot different than weddings back home… there were people everywhere! The bridal party danced in and out a few times, the groom and bride were pretty much seated behind the table the whole time. They cut their cake and shared their first kiss, and then gifts were brought to the table. We left shortly after that and stopped at the airstrip to watch the sunset on the way home!

both teams after Friday's game
Noel, Tabby, and I at the airstrip
On Sunday, we went to church, hung out in the afternoon and then went to Eric’s game that afternoon! It was a pretty relaxing day and I also had the chance to skype my parents and brother for the first time in a while – which made the day about ten times better! I got a virtual tour of my brother’s new house and am pumped to potentially move in with him when I get home – ten dollars a month rent right Jeff? :)

This week with the team is a little less intense and busy than last week… Monday morning we went on a hospital tour with Eric’s dad, walked to the Macha dam and skipped rocks, and came home to lunch and team time in the afternoon. That night we played a game against a local team out at the MICS field. We ended up losing 3-1, but it was a fun game to play! I have been playing so much soccer and would like to think that I am getting better – but it is also nice to have David, a PTR team member, in the position beside me as he tells me that I’m doing a great job, even when it’s really not that good. We ended the night with a lot of Dutch Blitz – I am happy to say that I am much better than the beginning of the summer (especially when playing in partners!) and David and I won. Again. :)

We started off Tuesday morning with work around the PTRZ campus. The girls walked around and picked up trash while the guys worked at getting some vines out of the trees. We then spent the next few hours digging and building a fire pit! The girls started the process of breaking up and clearing out a circle of hard packed clay. We all got crazy blisters on our hands, but were really determined to finish the job without the help of the boys. I wish we could say that we did, but it got to the point where we could barely hold the tools anymore because of all the blisters, so we gave in and let them help out. Although we like to say we loosened it all up for them. We filled the hole with bricks and sand and lined it with rocks! It was a fun project that turned out really well! Oh and Dad, I can tell I haven’t done any hay this summer – my hands are not tough at all… so many blisters! Can’t wait to help when I get home… not. :)

After the projects of the morning, we ate lunch, heard testimonies, and I led team time – talking about worry and how we can have a secure mind in Christ. After team time, some of the team spent some time outside with the boys playing soccer and volleyball while Marissa and I went back out to my Macha girls and spent some time with them! I felt like it had been forever since I had seen them and it was good to go spend some time with them! We finished the night with another climb up the water tower for the sunset… let’s just say I’m glad that was the last time of the summer. It’s an absolutely incredible view, but the process of climbing up a tiny ladder 80 feet in the middle of the water tower is just not my favorite thing in the world.

the girls on the water tower
This morning, we went out to Macha girls school again to learn more about the school and see the difference between a private school education (like MICS) and a government school education. After that, we walked through Elem’s village to see where he lives, and finished the morning with team time outside. We had the afternoon to ourselves – I used it to get some work and reading done – and then we headed out to MICS again to play our last soccer game. We played MRT – the team from the malaria research – and ended up losing 2-1, but it was a fun game! We are about to end the night with a fire in the new fire pit – some s’mores might be involved too – before heading out to Livingstone tomorrow morning!

It has been absolutely incredible having the team here… each and every one of them is great and they have all been such a blessing to me. I’ve had some awesome conversations, especially as I prepare to go home in a week and a half. I’ve had conversations that have allowed me some time to process my time here in Macha and my transition back home. I’ve visited other places before – the Dominican Republic, Uganda – but spending two weeks in a place is completely and totally different than living in a place for 3 months. I have had the opportunity to live the culture, make friends here in Zambia, and pour my heart into this place. And part of my heart will stay here when I go. I can’t wait to share this experience with those of you back home – but putting it into words will be hard. I’m going to miss Macha, the people, and especially the Thuma’s! I’ve been so blessed by them this summer – they have accepted me into their home and I have grown to love them like family! I’m so thankful for Eric and Corie’s friendship and I have gained two very little sisters this summer (although Char told us that she has 3 parents the other day…). I love spending time with all four of them – especially watching Frozen with Char (we might be on viewing number 7 or 8 as I write this…). I can’t wait to come home and see my family, but it will be hard to leave this place. What an incredible opportunity and experience this has been.

I leave tomorrow with the team to go to Livingstone for a few days before they fly out on Saturday. We will return to Macha Saturday and I will spend about 4 more days there before I head back to Livingstone on the 7th. I will spend a few days in Livingstone with a couple girls that I have gotten to know before flying out on the 10th! I can’t wait to see what God has for me in the next week and a half as I prepare to leave this life I’ve lived for the past few months.

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